The main objective of the Laboratory of Plant Genetics is to understand how angiosperms manage energy resources to optimize their growth and development in an adaptive perspective.


Prof. Dr. Michel Vincentz



🧑‍🔬 Plant Genetics focusing on energy metabolism and its impact on growth and development



Dr. Michel Vincentz

Coordinator and Researcher

Dr. João Guilherme Portugal Vieira

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Pamela Tavares Carlson

PhD student

Raphael de Araújo Campos

PhD student

Thyelen Engel de Jesus

Research Support (TT3 FAPESP)


  • Viana JCA, Matiolli CC, Wells Newman D, Vieira GPJ, Duarte TG,  Martins CMM, Gilbault E, Hotta TC, Caldana C,  Vincentz M. The sugar-responsive circadian clock regulator bZIP63 modulates plant growth. New Phytologist (2021)
  • Frank A, Matiolli CC, Viana JCA, Hearn TJ, Kusakina j, Belbin FE, Wells Newman D, Yochikawa A, Cano-Ramirez DL, Chembath A, Cragg-Barber K, Haydon M, Hotta T C, Vincentz M, Webb AR A, Dodd N A. Circadian Entrainment in Arabidopsis by the Sugar-Responsive Transcription Factor bZIP63. Current Biology. (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.05.092
  • Vilela MM, Del Bem LE, Van Sluys MA, de Setta N, Kitajima JP, Cruz GM, Sforça DA, de Souza AP, Ferreira PC, Grativol C, Cardoso-Silva CB, Vicentini R, Vincentz M. Analysis of Three Sugarcane Homo/Homeologous Regions Suggests Independent Polyploidization Events of Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum. Genome Biol Evol. (2017). doi: 10.1093/gbe/evw293.
  • Thomas Dobrenel, Camila Caldana, Johannes Hanson, Christophe Robaglia, Michel Vincentz, Bruce Veit, and Christian Meyer. TOR Signaling and Nutrient Sensing. (2016) Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2016. 67: doi: 10.1146/annurev-arplant-043014-114648.
  • Amanda Bortolini Silveira, Charlotte Trontin, Sandra Cortijo, Joan Barau, Luiz Eduardo Vieira Del Bem, Olivier Loudet, Vincent Colot and Michel Vincentz (2013) Extensive natural epigenetic variation at a de novo originated gene. PLoS Genetics. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003437.
  • de Setta N, Monteiro-Vitorello CB, Metcalfe CJ, ..27 authors..., Souza GM, Vincentz M, Kitajima JP, Van Sluys MA. Building the sugarcane genome for biotechnology and identifying evolutionary trends. BMC Genomics. (2014) doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-540.
  • Duarte GT, Matiolli CC, Pant BD, Schlereth A, Scheible WR, Stitt M, Vicentini R, Vincentz M.(2013) Involvement of microRNA-related regulatory pathways in the glucose-mediated control of Arabidopsis early seedling development. J Exp Bot (2013). 64(14):4301-12. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ert239.
  • Matiolli CC, Tomaz JP, Duarte GT, Prado FM, Del Bem LE, Silveira AB, Gauer L, Corrêa LG, Drumond RD, Viana AJ, Di Mascio P, Meyer C, Vincentz M. (2011) The Arabidopsis bZIP gene AtbZIP63 is a sensitive integrator of transient abscisic acid and glucose signals. Plant Physiol. 157:692-705.
  • Del Bem Luiz EV; Vincentz, M. (2010) Evolution of xyloglucan-related genes in green plants. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10, 341. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-10-341.
  • Luiz Gustavo Guedes Corrêa1 LG, Riaño-Pachón DM, Guerra Schrago C, Vicentini dos Santos R, Mueller-Roeber B, Vincentz M. (2008) The Role of bZIP Transcription Factors in Green Plant Evolution: Adaptive Features Emerging From Four Founder Genes. PLoS ONE 3(8): e2944. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0002944.


Doctor Michel Vincentz



Av. Cândido Rondon, 400 - Cidade Universitária, Campinas - SP, 13083-875

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