LEREG was created in the 1990s by Prof. Paulo Arruda (Institute of Biology/Unicamp) in the same year that CBMEG was founded. LEREG's research focus is the regulation of gene expression. Since its creation, LEREG has been involved in large collaborative projects with national and international institutions, which led to the coordination of important projects of international projection, such as the sequencing of Xyllela fastidiosa (1997) and sugarcane (2002), which represented milestones in Brazilian science.
In 2015, LEREG brought to CBMEG the agreement with the international structural genomics consortium (SGC - Structural Genomics Consortium) that resulted in the creation of CQMED (Center for Medicinal Chemistry). In 2018, LEREG became host to the GCCRC (Center for Genomics Applied to Climate Change), a Fapesp Engineering Research Center resulted from the partnership Embrapa and Unicamp. Its mission is the creation of biotechnological assets through genomics applied to the adaptation of crops to stresses associated with climate change.

🧑🔬 Plant Genetics focused on energy metabolism
The main focus is to understand how angiosperms manage energy resources to optimize their growth and development in an adaptive perspective.
- Programa de Pós-Graduação em Genética e Biologia Molecular da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
- Distribution, deposition and characterization of microbial isolates
- Analysis of DNA polymorphisms by SSR (microsatellites) and SNPs
- Genotyping to estimate copy number and gene expression
- Genetic transformation of maize
- Conducting phenotypic evaluation experiments on plants in the greenhouse and growth chamber
- IG Maia, CE Benedetti, A Leite, SR Turcinelli, AE Vercesi, P Arruda (1998) AtPUMP: an Arabidopsis gene encoding a plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein. FEBS letters 429, 403-406. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0014-5793(98)00634-6
- AJG Simpson, FC Reinach, P Arruda et al (2000) The genome sequence of the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa. Nature 406, 151
- AL Vettore, FR da Silva, EL Kemper, ...P Arruda (2003) Analysis and functional annotation of an expressed sequence tag collection for tropical crop sugarcane. Genome research 13, 2725-2735. https://doi.org/10.1038/35018003.
- IAP Neshich, E Kiyota, P Arruda (2013) Genome-wide analysis of lysine catabolism in bacteria reveals new connections with osmotic stress resistance. The ISME journal 7, 2400. https://doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2013.123.
- P Barreto, V Okura, IA Pena, R Maia, IG Maia, P Arruda (2015) Overexpression of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) induces a hypoxic response in Nicotiana tabacum leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany 67, 301-313. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2229-14-144
- E Kiyota, IA Pena, P Arruda (2015) The saccharopine pathway in seed development and stress response of maize. Plant, Cell & Environment 38, 2450-2461.
- RSC De Souza, VK Okura, JSL Armanhi, B Jorrín, N Lozano, MJ Da Silva, M González-Guerrero, LM Araújo, NC Verza, HC Bagheri, J Imperial, P Arruda (2016) Unlocking the bacterial and fungal communities’ assemblages of sugarcane microbiome. Scientific Reports 6, 28774. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep28774.
- JSL Armanhi, RSC De Souza, LM De Araújo, VK Okura, P Mieczkowski, J Imperial, P Arruda (2016) Multiplex amplicon sequencing for microbe identification in community-based culture collections. Scientific Reports 6, 29543. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep29543.
- JSL Armanhi, RSC de Souza, NB Damasceno, LM de Araújo, J Imperial, P Arruda (2018) A community-based culture collection for targeting novel plant growth-promoting bacteria from the sugarcane microbiome. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 2191. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.02191.
- Barreto, Pedro, Charlene Dambire, Gunjan Sharma, Jorge Vicente, Rory Osborne, Juliana Yassitepe, Daniel J. Gibbs, Ivan G. Maia, Michael J. Holdsworth, and Paulo Arruda. 2022. Mitochondrial Retrograde Signaling through UCP1-Mediated Inhibition of the Plant Oxygen-Sensing Pathway. Current Biology 32 (6): 1403-1411.e4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2022.01.037.
Dr. Paulo Arruda
Email: parruda@unicamp.br
Dr. Marcio José da Silva
Email: marciojs@unicamp.br
Av. Cândido Rondon, 400 - Cidade Universitária, Campinas - SP, 13083-875