The Human Molecular Genetics Laboratory is focused on the molecular study of genetic diseases, especially of rare syndromes, aiming at contributing to the medical management and follow-up of the cases.
Its line of research approaches the genetic diseases related to hearing loss, in which it analyzes genes that can cause deafness. Another field of interest are molecular studies of disorders/differences of sex development, in which the genetic causes of the discordance between genetic, gonadal and phenotypic sex are investigated. The genetic causes of nephrotic syndrome in childhood and adolescence are also a focus of the laboratory that seeks to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in the syndrome.

🧑🔬 Molecular study of genetic diseases
🧑🔬 Molecular study of genetic diseases related to hearing loss
🧑🔬 Molecular study of disorders of sexual differentiation
🧑🔬 Molecular study of nephrotic syndrome in childhood and adolescence
- Graduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology, University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
- Graduate Program in Medical Sciences, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), area of concentration Medical Genetics
- Human genetic diagnostic tests - hearing loss and Leber Optic Neuropathy
- Human genetic diagnostic tests - sexual differentiation
- FABBRI-SCARLLET, H; WERNER, R; SANCHES-GUARAGNA M; ANDRADE JGR; MACIEL-GUERRA, A. T.; HORNIG, N; HIORT, O; GUERRA-JUNIOR, G.; DE MELLO, MP. Can Non-Coding NR5A1 Gene Variants Explain Phenotypes of Disorders of Sex Development? Sexual Development, p. 1-9, 2022. DOI: 10.1159/000524956
- WATANABE, A*; GUARAGNA, MS*; BELANGERO, VMS; CASIMIRO, FMS; PESQUERO, JB; FELTRAN, LS; PALMA, LM; VARELA, P; NEVES, PDMM; LERARIO, AM; SOUZA, ML; DE MELLO, MP; LUTAIF, AC; FERRARI, CR; SAMPSON, MG; ONUCHIC, LF; NOGUEIRA, PCK. APOL1 in an ethnically diverse pediatric population with nephrotic syndrome: implications in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and other diagnoses. Pediatric Nephrology , v. 1, p. 1-0, 2021. (*1a autoria compartilhada) DOI: 10.1007/s00467-021-04960-w
- GUARAGNA, MS.; DE SOUZA, MARCELA L.; LUTAIF, ANNA CRISTINA G.B.; MACIEL-GUERRA, ANDRÉA T.; BELANGERO, V.M.S.; GUERRA-JUNIOR, GIL; MELLO, M.P. Promises and Pitfalls of Whole-Exome Sequencing Exemplified by a Nephrotic Syndrome Family. Mol. Genet Genomics 2020 Jan;295(1):135-142. DOI: 10.1007/s00438-019-01609-0
- KARLSSON, L.; MICHELATTO, D. P. ; LUSA, A. L. G.; SILVA, CDAM; ÖSTBERG L; PERSSON, B.; GUERRA-JÚNIOR, GIL; LEMOS-MARINI, S. H. V.; BALDAZZI, L; MENABÒ, S; BALSAMO, A.; GREGGIO, N. A.; DE MELLO, M.P.; BARBARO M; LAJIC S. Novel non-classic CYP21A2 variants, including combined alleles, identified in patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Clinical Biochemistry v. 73, p. 50-56, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2019.07.009
- FABBRI-SCALLET, HELENA; SOUSA, LIZANDRA MAIA; MACIEL-GUERRA, ANDRÉA TREVAS; GUERRA-JÚNIOR, GIL; DE MELLO, MARICILDA PALANDI. Mutation update for the gene involved in DSD and infertility. Human Mutation 2019; 1-11. DOI: 10.1002/humu.23916
- FABBRI, H. C. ; DE MELLO, MARICILDA PALANDI ; GUERRA-JÚNIOR, GIL ; MACIEL-GUERRA, ANDRÉA TREVAS ; ANDRADE JGR ; MAIA COSTA DE QUEIROZ, C ; MONLLEO, I. L. ; STRUVE, D ; HIORT, O ; WERNER, R . Functional Characterization of Five NR5A1 Gene Mutations Found in Patients with 46,XY Disorders of Sex Development. HUMAN MUTATION, v. 39, p. 114-123, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/humu.23353
- GUARAGNA, MS.; ANNA CRISTINA G.B. LUTAIF; CRISTIANE S.C. PIVETA; MARCELA L. SOUZA; SUÉLLEN R. DE SOUZA; TACIANE B. HENRIQUES; ANDRÉA T. MACIEL-GUERRA; VERA M.S. BELANGERO; GIL GUERRA-JUNIOR; Maricilda P. De Mello. NPHS2 mutations account for only 15% of Nephrotic Syndrome cases. BMC Medical Genetics 2015 Sep 29;16:88. DOI: 10.1186/s12881-015-0231-9
Doctor Edi Lúcia Sartorato
Email: sartor@unicamp.br
Doctor Maricilda Palandi de Mello
Email: mmello@unicamp.br